'23-'24 Fall/Winter Season

Fenwick Varsity


# First Last Pos
32 Cole ALessi G
7 Jake Alessi DEF
18 Charles Bastedo FWD
5 Mikey Curtin FWD
11 Dominic Fosco FWD
12 Christopher Godellas DEF
33 Demetri Karabatsos FWD
3 Joey Krzak DEF
27 Luke LaChance DEF
30 Spencer Lisek G
16 Alex Matysiak FWD
10 John Moore DEF
13 Dominic Munaretto FWD
4 Will Pabst FWD
6 James Papp DEF
2 Jack Pasternak DEF
24 Andrew Peto FWD
15 Alex Pisano FWD
23 Henry Schmidt FWD
17 Johnny Sena FWD
21 Harry Sramek FWD
8 Jonathan Svete DEF
9 Arden Tantaro FWD
19 Michael Verni FWD
34 Dean Vijuk FWD
28 Cristian White FWD
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